Lake Park High School District 108 recognizes the tremendous positive impact that volunteers make in enriching educational programs and greatly appreciates the contribution of your time and energy in this regard. In order to safeguard students, the District requires all prospective volunteers who desire to work with or around students attending Lake Park High School to complete the volunteer onboarding process and the associated background investigation required for the volunteer position of interest.
If you are interested in volunteering for any District programs, the first step is to contact the staff member with responsibility for your area of interest. Below you will find the contact information for the individuals responsible for the District’s activities, athletics, and curricular programs. If you are unsure about who to contact, feel free to reach out to Lisa Viene in the District’s Human Resources Department at lviene@lphs.org or (630) 295-5422.Once you receive approval to apply for a volunteer position, please utilize the District’s online application system to formally apply for your volunteer position of interest. Following submission of this application, a District official will contact you to complete the required paperwork and any associated background investigation. The District will keep the results of the background investigation confidential and on file in the Human Resources office.
Please note that prospective volunteers may not begin volunteer responsibilities until they receive written notification from a District administrator or program coordinator authorizing them to begin.Activities Program
Activities Contact: Katie Hamann, Activities Director (630) 295-5312 khamann@lphs.org Athletics Program
Athletics Contact: Pete Schauer, Athletic Director (630) 295-5325 pschauer@lphs.org Curricular Program
East Campus Contact: Pia Laudadio, Assistant Principal (630) 295-5220 plaudadio@lphs.org
West Campus Contact:
John Gouriotis, Assistant Principal(630) 295-5320 jgouriotis@lphs.org