Please choose the online payment system you wish to access:
As a reminder, Lake Park offers online convenience for families to check the status of outstanding fees and make payments directly. When the Home Access Center is utilized to check grades, parents may notice an amount appearing in the upper right-hand corner. Outstanding fees are displayed in red.
Families who are in need of fee waivers or a deferred payment plan should have already made arrangements this summer during the registration process. If your financial circumstances have changed, please contact the Principal's office at the appropriate campus.
In January 2017, the Board of Education voted to increase District communication efforts with families who have outstanding fees. Families are notified via a progressive email campaign about the need to make payments or the outstanding fees will be sent to a collection agency.It is important to make timely payments each semester to avoid the compounding effect for your family and for the District. Parents are strongly encouraged to check their status and make payments directly by the end of the calendar year.