The Student Service Team works in partnership with all LPHS stakeholders to provide comprehensive programs and services that promote the academic success and social emotional well being of all students preparing them for post secondary college and career opportunities.
Mental Wellness in Stressful Times - National Alliance on Mental Illiness
The Student Services Team provides support in the following areas:
- ADA and Section 504 Plans
- Assessments (PSAT, SAT, NMSQT)
- BILINGUAL/ESL Programming
- College & Career Readiness and Pathways
- Community Partnerships
- Equity and Innovation Support
- Health Services
- Homebound and Hospital Services
- Homeless Services Information (McKinney Vento)
- LGTBQ+ Support
- Parent University
- Registration/Fee Waivers/Residency
- Safety and Security
- School Counseling Services
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Social Emotional Learning Services
- Student Attendance
- Student Discipline
- Student Mentoring Program
- Student Records
- Technology Center of DuPage
- Testing
- Transportation
East Campus - 630-295-5232
West Campus - 630-295-5332
Melinda Perez-Carter
Assistant Principal of
Student Services - East Campus
Jeff Henrikson
Assistant Principal of
Student Services - West Campus