The Lake Park World Languages Department offers courses in French, German and Spanish as well as for English Language Learners.
Incoming ninth-grade students who have successfully completed two years of world language study in seventh and eighth grade (the equivalent of the first-year high school curriculum) will be placed in second-year world language study upon recommendation of their junior high/middle school teacher. They will not receive credit toward high school graduation for previous world language study.Similarly, students who speak the target language at home or who have other prior knowledge may, upon demonstrating proficiency, be moved up to a class at the appropriate level.Lake Park has foreign exchange student programs with two schools in Europe. The Helene Lange-Gymnasium is in Hamburg, Germany and Lycée Notre Dame de Sainte Croix is in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.
The State of Illinois awards students with the Seal of Biliteracy if they demonstrate a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English. Students who complete French 4/AP, German 4/AP, or Spanish 4/AP can earn the Seal of Biliteracy on their transcript and diploma by demonstrating proficiency in English, as well as in the foreign language of study. Students who are highly proficient in a language other than English who are not enrolled in one of Lake Park’s language programs may also earn the Seal of Biliteracy. Interested students should contact the Curriculum Leader of World Languages for more information about the Seal of Biliteracy.
Kari Monegato, Curriculum LeaderLinks:View the department brochure, The World Language Boost, which details the benefits of taking the World Languages curriculum