Program Overview & Description

  • Lake Park's Driver Education Department offers students a comprehensive, fully-integrated, four phase program that covers a one semester period of time. The four phases consist of classroom instruction, simulation, driving range, and behind-the-wheel/on-the-road instruction; these phases exceed requirements established by the State of Illinois.

    • Before a student can enroll in driver education at Lake Park, he/she must be a sophomore, at least 15 years of age by the first day of class, and must also have received a passing grade in at least eight (8) courses during the previous two (2) semesters, or have received a waiver of this requirement by the Superintendent or Principal. For further explanation of this law, contact any member of our driver education department.

    • The school provides the driver education course to all eligible students who reside within the district (whether enrolled in the school or not) between the ages of 15 and 21 who request such course. 

    • Thirty clock hours of instruction is required of all eligible students.

    • The classroom instruction includes instruction on distracted driving as a major traffic safety issue and a demonstration of the proper actions to be taken during a traffic stop and appropriate interactions with law enforcement.

    • The full six hours of practice driving and observation time is in a dual-control vehicle with a licensed driving instructor on public roadways.

    • The classroom portion of the course shall be during the school day and may be offered at other times (before or after school, in the evenings or on the weekends). The school district shall determine when to offer the behind-the-wheel portion of the course during the regular school year, which may be during the school day, at times other than during the school day, or through a combination of both options.

    The cost to take Driver Education at Lake Park is: $249.00

    • The driver education fee is waived with respect to any student who is eligible for free lunches or breakfasts pursuant to the School Breakfast and Lunch Program Act {105 ILCS 125} and 23 III. Adm Code 305 (School Food Service), and with respect to other students in accordance with the district's policy on Waiver of School Fees adopted pursuant to the rules of the State Board of Education.  See 23 ILL.Adm. Code 1.245(Waiver of School Fees).