Resources for Lake Park Students
Lake Park Math Tutoring -
Tutoring is provided by Lake Park math teachers during every period at both campuses unless otherwise noted. Students are encouraged to get help during their study hall, SSP, or lunch period. Below is a list of the LP math teachers that are tutoring by period.
East Campus Math Tutors
Location: Room 230
Before School (6:45-7:15am): Pacione
1st Period: McIntyre
5th Period: Weller
2nd Period: Gard
6th Period: Olinski
3rd Period: Harris
7th Period: Miller
4th Period: Ivory
8th Period: Gulo
West Campus Math Tutors
Before School (6:45-7:15 am): Wozniak in Room 226
Location: Room 232
1st Period: Bishop
5th Period: Mehic
2nd Period: Becker
6th Period: Holtz
3rd Period: Anticevich
7th Period: Pawlak
4th Period: Kilrea
8th Period: Olejniczak
After School (2:16 - 2:45 pm): Wozniak in Room 226
Trinity Evening Tutoring
Math tutoring is available at the Trinity Church and School on Tuesday and Thursday evenings:
Tuesday 6:30-8:30 pm
Thursday 6:30-8:30 pm
This is by appointment ONLY. Please email indicating your name and math course at least 24 hours in advance. If you don't make an appointment, no one will be there! For more information, call or text 630-362-6590 or 630-207-1194. A one-time registration fee of $15 covers tutoring costs for the entire school year.
Tutoring is located at Trinity Church and School 405 Rush Street, Roselle, IL 60172 and begins August 29, 2023.
Interested in taking AP Statistics?
Click below to watch the AP Statistics video!Lake Park Math Team - Any student who enjoys mathematics, likes to work both by themselves and with other students, and has an interest in doing problems beyond the typical “textbook” problems is encouraged to join the math team. Click here to access Lake Park's Math Team website for more information.
Don't throw out the TI Points on the Calculator Packaging!!! Please ask your students to turn in their TI Points codes from their calculator packages to their Lake Park math teacher. This is not the UPC code, but a different symbol that can be seen by clicking here. The link also describes the program in more detail. We thank you in advance for supporting Lake Park by turning in these points. With these points, we are able to earn the latest tech equipment to enhance our classroom instruction.
SAT Test Prep - Khan Academy has partnered with the College Board to provide free test prep. Click here for more information. Kaplan offers free digital flashcards for both the ACT and SAT tests on mobile devices. Click here to learn how to download the app.
Calculus or Statistics? -Click here to review a description of the differences between AP Calculus and AP Statistics to help make course decisions for senior year.
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