Lake Park Graduation Requirements

  • To earn a high school diploma, a student must successfully complete all graduation requirements as specified by the Lake Park District 108 Board of Education, the Illinois State Board of Education, and The School Code of Illinois. Students must have SAT scores on file to graduate, per the Illinois State Board of Education. The graduation requirements are:

    3.0 credits   Mathematics*                                                                                                                                                       
    4.0 credits   English
    3.0 credits   Science
    3.0 credits   Social Studies
    3.5 credits   Physical Education** 
    0.5 credit    Health                    
    0.5 credit    Consumer Education
    0.5 credit    Civics In Action 
    3.0 credits   Electives (chosen by the student)
    1.0 credit    Art, Acting, Debate, Music, World Language, or Career and Technical Education (Business, Family & Consumer Science, Technology & Engineering)      

    22.0 creditTOTAL (minimum)                                                                          

     *Three credits of mathematics, one of which must be Algebra I and one must be a course that includes geometry content.

    **Students are required to take seven semesters of Physical Education and one semester of Health. Students who take Driver Education at Lake Park during the school year are waived from one semester of Physical Education. If a student elects to take Driver Education during the summer school session or outside Lake Park, the student will be assigned to two semesters of Physical Education during the school year. Likewise, if a student chooses not to take Driver Education at all, then the student will be enrolled in Physical Education in place of Driver Education. Students may not substitute another course in place of Driver Education in their schedule.

    To be eligible for graduation, students must take the ACT as identified in School Code (Section 2-3/64a-5). Families must also complete the FAFSA application or a waiver to opt out as identified in School Code (Section 22-85).