Dual Credit

  • The information on this site is intended to familiarize students and parents with the requirements associated with Dual Credit (DC) courses offered at Lake Park High School. While general information is provided, families are encouraged to contact the curriculum leader listed in connection with a course or a counselor to address specific questions or concerns. 

    What is dual enrollment?

    Dual Credit courses provide eligible high school students in grades 9 through 12 with the opportunity to enroll in selected courses for which, upon successful completion, they will receive both college and high school credit.  Students must be enrolled at Lake Park and the college or university to qualify for dual credit. Likewise, students are required to complete prerequisites for dual credit, which may include qualifying test scores, GPA requirements, coursework, or certification programs.

    Lake Park teachers will assist students with the college enrollment and course registration process. Parents/guardians are responsible for payment of tuition, fees, online textbooks, and/or other course materials directly to the college or university.

    Lake Park grade weighting scales vary. Consult course descriptions to determine if a particular dual credit course qualifies for the honors weight. Students may enroll in dual credit courses but elect not to earn dual credit. The course requirements remain the same for students enrolled in a dual credit course, regardless if students elect to take the dual credit or non-dual credit option.

    To be assured that a college course will transfer to a particular college or university, please visit the website of the specific college or university, contact them directly, or go to www.itransfer.org or www.transferology.com.

  • Classes are taught at the high school during regular school hours by high school teachers who are also approved as adjunct faculty at the College of DuPage or Indiana University. Students pursuing dual credit should remember that these courses become part of their permanent collegiate-level academic record.  The grade earned in a dual credit class will appear on the student's official college transcript.

    *Students can sign up for these courses during the traditional course selection process, which occurs annually in January/February.

    Dual Credit - Transferring Credits

    Please see our LPHS Dual Credit breakdown below for college course numbers and transferology codes.

  • iTransfer - The transfer portal for the state of Illinois and the home of the Illinois Articulation Initiative. 
    Transferology - This website shows how the courses you have taken or plan to take transfer to another college or university for credit. 

    Lake Park Course Name


    College Course Name


    Transferology Code

    A+ Computer Certification

    Full Year

    COD CIT 1111
    COD CIT 1112


    CIT 1111
    CIT 1112

    Biomedical Terminology

    Full Year

    COD HLTHS 1110

    3 HLTHS 1110

    Calculus 3 

    Full Year

    IU M311

    3 MATH - M311

    Contemporary Health




    Early Childhood 1


    COD 1100



    Early Childhood 2


    COD 1100



    Honors College Speech


    IU COLL P155


    COLL - P155


    Full Year



    BUSSIN - 1161

    Introduction to Education


    COD 1100



    Introduction to Precision Machining

    Full Year

    COD 1151


    MANUF 1151

    Personal Defense - M





    Personal Defense - F






    Full Year




    Spanish 5

    Full Year





    Technology Center of DuPage

    Full Year

    Visit the TCD website to view “Programs.” Transfer information can be found under “College Credit.”